Disagreements often arise between followers of popular weight loss systems. However, each weight loss method has both strengths and pitfalls. When consumed in moderation, both carbohydrates, fats and proteins benefit the body.
The popular weight loss method "Maggi Diet" is a protein diet system designed for 2 or 4 weeks. With its help, you can lose 15-20 kg without tedious calorie counting and constant hunger. The history of the emergence of a popular food system is associated with the name of Margaret Thatcher, the legendary English politician.
The principle of nutrition and recipes for dietary dishes remained a secret for a long time. An effective weight loss system became known only after the death of the "Iron Lady". When analyzing the archive of the legendary baroness, historians were able to find records devoted to an efficient diet system. Later, an effective technique, which was then called the Maggi diet, was publicized and appreciated.
The remaining modifications of the low-carbohydrate diet are its derivatives, which have been improved by modern experts. The principle of the effectiveness of the method is based on the chemical processes that occur in the body. They contribute to the gradual elimination of fat reserves and weight correction.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Maggi Diet
All existing weight loss methods can be divided into:
- vegetables (fruit, rice diets);
- protein (Maggi diet, kefir diet).
Of course, there is no perfect system to get rid of unwanted pounds. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.
The foreign prime minister's principle of weight loss includes a sharp reduction in the proportion of carbohydrates and fats in the daily diet. At the same time, emphasis is placed on the prevalence of dishes rich in animal protein. The high effectiveness of this diet method is confirmed by numerous real reviews. Proper adherence to this diet prevents skin sagging and helps maintain muscle mass.
In the past, it was generally accepted that eating two or more eggs daily would be harmful to the body (as it causes an increase in blood cholesterol). But later scientists were able to prove that only 20% of cholesterol a person receives from food. The remaining 80% is composed by the organization itself.

Chicken eggs saturate the body with poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids. The protein contained in the product is well absorbed by the body. And the yolk contains useful phospholipids such as lecithin and choline. These nutrients improve brain and liver function and help normalize fat metabolism.
However, many experts argue that oversaturation of the protein diet can have a negative effect on vital organs (including the kidneys). In addition, digestive enzymes produced in limited amounts in the body are required to digest proteins. Excess "unprocessed" product can cause inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and bloating.
Maggi diet for 14 and 28 days
This weight loss system differs from many popular mono-diets in the following parameters:
- relatively small number of contraindications.
- noticeable reduction in body volume.
- long lasting effect.
After completing the full 4-week course, you can apply the English PM method again after at least one year. If you ignore this recommendation, there will be a big burden on the body.
The classic Maggi diet for 2 weeks includes daily consumption of chicken eggs, which serve as the main source of protein. This product contains many useful trace elements and amino acids. Regular consumption of eggs helps strengthen the immune system, prevents anemia, activates brain activity and improves memory.
When choosing a cottage cheese diet, a product whose fat content is between 3-5% is introduced into the daily diet. It helps to replenish the lack of calcium, which serves as one of the main sources of tryptophan and methionine. The smooth functioning of the nervous and digestive systems largely depends on the content of these beneficial substances in the body.
The Maggi Diet version includes the following features:
- improvement of skin condition;
- accelerated removal of toxins.
- active breakdown of fat reserves.
Cottage cheese can be replaced with low-fat cheese. This healthy product slows down the absorption of carbohydrate-containing foods and has a beneficial effect on blood pressure and gut microflora.
Note! If you follow the Maggi cheese diet, you are allowed to include any low-fat cheeses in your diet. These include: feta cheese 9%, mozzarella, tofu, brie, light feta, ricotta. The optimal percentage of fat in a healthy product should not be more than 9%.
Maggi Diet Benefits, Contraindications
The advantages of a foreign weight loss system include:
- lack of hunger. This facilitates the process of shedding unwanted pounds.
- no need for daily calorie counting.
- simple recipes for preparing diet dishes.
- high performance.
Of course, the nutritional food system also has some contraindications:
- pregnancy;
- allergic reaction to citrus fruits or eggs;
- kidney pathologies;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- diseases of the digestive system.
Tips to follow
Following a low-carb diet involves a number of rules:
- daily consumption of sufficient amounts of water (more than 2 liters per day).
- exclusion from the diet of confectionery products, ketchup, fatty broths, high-calorie mayonnaise, etc.
- many hours of walking in the fresh air, which help to activate the metabolism.
- adequate sleep (at least 8 hours a day); Failure to comply with this rule can lead to increased appetite.
- daily weighing in the morning.
- cooking vegetables without flavor enhancers, with minimal spices. At the same time, you can use onions, red peppers and garlic to improve the taste of dishes.

Maggi diet for 4 weeks
The most widespread diet option, which is very popular all over the world, is the egg diet. If a person has an intolerance to the main ingredient in the menu, it is replaced with low-fat cottage cheese.
Both the cottage cheese and egg varieties of the diet involve eating large amounts of protein. But the first version of the weight loss system is considered more useful. Eating fermented dairy products helps strengthen bones and lower blood cholesterol levels. The main contraindication to include cottage cheese in your diet is the presence of hypersecretion of gastric juice.
Too frequent consumption of fermented milk products can lead to an exacerbation of gastritis, which is accompanied by the formation of erosions in the area of the gastric mucosa.
Sample Menu of Maggi Diet Week One: 'The Beginning of the Journey'
First day |
Second day |
The third day |
Day four |
fifth day |
Sixth day |
Seventh day |
Sample Maggi Diet Menu for Week Two: "Addiction Mode"
First day |
Second day |
The third day |
Day four |
fifth day |
Sixth day |
Seventh day |
Meat in the Maggi diet can be used only in low-fat varieties. The optimal solution is dietary, easily digestible chicken, turkey and rabbit fillets with a low fat content (up to 5. 5%). It is strictly forbidden to eat high-calorie pork (53%) and lamb (18%) following the protein slimming method, as they slow down the weight loss process and contribute to the deterioration of the results.
Sample Maggi Diet Menu for Week Three: 'Methodology as a Lifestyle'
First day |
Second day |
The third day |
Day four |
fifth day |
Sixth-seventh day |
Sample Maggi Diet Menu for Week Four: "Evaluation of Results"
The entire list of foods that can be eaten during the day should be evenly distributed over three meals.
First day |
Second day |
The third day |
Day four |
fifth day |
Sixth day |
Seventh day |
Maggi Diet - Results
It doesn't really matter what kind of diet you choose. The results achieved will be about the same. The first week of the diet is called protein. It is during this time period that the largest barrels can be achieved. On average, a person loses 0. 8-2 kg per day. Weight loss at this stage occurs due to the removal of excess fluid from the body.
When you enter the second week of weight loss, the fat burning process begins. Therefore, the barrel does not exceed 0. 3 kg per day. After two weeks, weight loss will occur even more slowly. At the same time, the skin will tighten and the volume of the body will be noticeably reduced.
Note! The intensity of the weight loss process is affected by several factors. These include: individual biorhythms, metabolic state.
How to get off the diet?
To consolidate the achieved results, you need to gradually exit the low-carb diet. To avoid sudden stress on the body, daily calorie intake is gradually increased.
After completing the diet, you should adhere to the principles of a balanced diet. It is recommended to limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages, carbonated water, pastries, fatty and fried foods.
For a week after completing the diet, it is recommended to eat 1 tangerine or orange and 2 chicken eggs for breakfast every day. An approximate menu for other meals is shown in the table below.
First day |
Second day |
The third day |
Day four |
fifth day |
Sixth day |
Seventh day |
A protein-citrus diet plan, specially created by a foreign clinic, helps you lose from 5 to 20 extra pounds. If you need to lose 6-8 kg, the best option would be to follow a two-week protein diet.
Dish recipes
Due to the rather monotonous diet, maintaining a low-carb diet is quite difficult. Below are several recipes that will help you get in the right mood and diversify your menu.
Meat roll
You must first prepare the following products:
- 450 grams of rabbit fillet.
- 1 chicken egg;
- 1 small onion;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- a small amount of dill and parsley.
The step-by-step sequence of preparing the dish looks like this:
- Onions and meat must be chopped with a blender.
- Add 1 raw chicken egg to the resulting mass. It is then spread on film in a layer of 20 mm, sprinkled with chopped dill and garlic.
- Minced rabbit is rolled into a small roll, placed in aluminum foil and placed on a baking sheet.
- The oven is preheated to 180°C.
- The dish is baked for 20 minutes.
- After the specified time has passed, open the aluminum foil slightly and put the roll in the oven for another 10 minutes (so that it turns brown).
Vegetable casserole
The vegetable dish contains:
- 2 small boiled carrots;
- 200 grams of fresh green peas.
- 2 chicken eggs;
- some spinach.
Cooking steps:
- Carrots are cut on a coarse grater. It is combined with peas and placed in a non-stick container (in layers).
- The vegetable mass is poured with a beaten egg.
- The dish is baked in the oven (setting the temperature to 180 °C) for 25 minutes.
- The finished dish is decorated with dill or parsley.
Instead of peas and chopped carrots, boiled beans or zucchini are used as the main ingredients of the casserole. It is recommended that you do not consume more than one portion of a plate of vegetables per day.
Homemade cottage cheese
Milk protein contains much more amino acids than animal proteins. The cottage cheese method for weight loss involves the daily consumption of low-fat fermented dairy products. You can easily make it yourself at home.
To prepare the cottage cheese you will need:
- 2 liters of 1. 5% milk.
- 2 tablespoons of vinegar.
First, the milk must be heated to a temperature of 120 °C, then the dishes are removed from the fire, slowly pouring vinegar into it. The resulting mixture is constantly stirred. To separate the curd from the whey, you need to set the mixture aside for 25 minutes. After that, use a colander to drain the excess liquid. To prevent small particles of the product from "leaking" from it, it is necessary to place a piece of gauze at the bottom of the container. The resulting mass is washed under cool water and squeezed well.
Salad with few calories
A low-carb diet is especially difficult to tolerate at an early stage (the first week). During this period, the losing weight body adapts to the new menu. To make the transition to a low-calorie diet easier, you can periodically cook the Golden Cockerel.
Main ingredients of low calorie salad:
- 0. 4 kg of chicken fillet?
- 1 apple;
- 1 tangerine;
- 1 teaspoon soy sauce.
The salad preparation algorithm is quite simple:
- Chicken meat is boiled until half cooked.
- Apple and tangerine are crushed in a blender. The resulting mass is seasoned with sauce. It is then added to the meat, the heat is reduced and the food is simmered for another 10 minutes.
- After this time, sprinkle the chicken fillet with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
Cheese casserole
To prepare the casserole you will need:
- 500 grams of 3% cottage cheese;
- 1 chicken egg;
- 0. 25 kg of apples.
Clean the apples, grate them on a grater with large holes and extract the juice. They are then combined with the required amount of fermented milk product. Eggs, previously beaten with a mixer, are added to the resulting mixture. You can also put several slices of pears and 4 tablespoons of sweetener in the batter for the casserole.
The mixture of fruit and curd is placed in a convenient form, which is first sprinkled with 20 grams of breading mixture. The container is placed in the oven for baking. Cooking time: 35 minutes at 190°C. To create a cheese crust, remove the pot from the oven or steamer 5 minutes before the end of the cooking process, sprinkle with grated low-fat cheese, then put it back. People following the cottage cheese diet are advised to consume 150 grams of the dish twice a week.
Spicy beef
Beef contains large amounts of manganese, copper, potassium, zinc, calcium and phosphorus. In addition, beef is rich in B vitamins and vitamin A. To prepare a delicious dietary dish, you need to cut a piece of beef, add red pepper, orange juice, a little basil and salt. The meat is placed in a special form and baked until cooked.
Greek salad
This dish is a little different from the classic Greek salad. You need to take 1 cucumber and tomato, add 200 grams of cubed cheese to the vegetables. Then add a small amount of chopped onion and 1 bell pepper, cut into thin strips, to the dish. All the ingredients of the salad are combined, we add some basil and herbs de Provence.
Cottage cheese with garlic and herbs
To prepare the cottage cheese you will need:
- parsley;
- 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.
- anise;
- green onions?
- garlic.
Greens should be chopped and mixed with low-fat cottage cheese. You can add some salt to the prepared mixture.
Steamed omelette with vegetables
Pre-cook the broccoli, cauliflower and courgettes for steaming. At this time make a mixture of two eggs, pepper, a small amount of salt and 10 ml of water. After that, the vegetables are transferred to a special form. They are poured with the prepared mixture and the dishes are baked in a double boiler for 15 minutes.
The effectiveness of the Maggi diet largely depends on the individual characteristics of the body. In addition, you should clearly know that the presence of extra pounds is often accompanied by behavioral disorders. Consequently, the causes of excess weight may have a psychological background. In this case, you need to take a comprehensive approach to weight loss.